
Violent. It’s a strong word that evokes a lot of emotion. It likely brings to mind something you’ve experienced yourself or seen on the news or in a movie. So when this phrase “violent hope” came to mind I questioned what it meant. I’d like to share the answer with you and then why we need it in this season.

For the sake of this conversation I’d like to describe violent as forceful. Pushing back. Not passive, but aggressive in nature. Hope that stares into the face of opposition and rather than politely stepping aside opts to throw the first punch. That thing that inside of us that is so fierce we refuse to allow it to be defeated.

So why do we need this “violent hope”? I think you already know. You’ve scrolled social media, heard the news and maybe even seen some of your friends struggle with a sense of hopelessness. In these so-called unprecedented times where people are painfully divided by opinions on everything from masks to vaccines to politics to tv shows and we are isolated from our communities, maybe struggling financially or just overwhelmed by the demands on our time and emotion. I think we can all agree that’s its a lot. But it’s not just “2020”. These things big and small will destroy us from the inside out and the enemy of our soul will use our lack of confidence in the goodness of God to reduce us to useless, cave-hiding men and women. But we’re not going to let that happen. Not on our watch.

I’m a pretty practical person, so I don’t want to just leave you with a nod of agreement (or maybe you don’t agree, that’s ok too lol). Here are a couple ways we can pursue this-

  1. Identify some areas where you are prone to hopelessness. Even if they seem small, they can’t be tolerated. Lets deal with it right away. Then identify the lie that you’re tempted to believe. For example – “this world is going to crap” Umm. No. Memorize 2 Cor 3:18 and let hope rise up.
  2. Pray. Pray like you’ve never prayed before. Be intentional. Be obedient. Fast. PRAY.
  3. Journal what you’re praying. God is going to answer your prayers and you need to pay close attention. Those answered prayers are going to feed that violent hope like you’ve never seen before.
  4. Feed yourself on Truth. Similar to point one, we are going to need the belt of Truth. Guess what? The same socials that are sad and divisive can also be an amazing resource! Follow people who are full of life and peace and who you may suspect already have a violent hope (I’m happy to provide suggestions! : ) ) As you’re building your own history with God and seeing answered prayer, also look for other people’s victories and join in them.
  5. If you already have history with God, dig it up! Find the promises, the faith building experiences and the victories that you have already experienced and remember them, thank God for them, ask Him to do it again!
  6. Lastly, find a hope partner. Text each other weekly, snap each other, do what works for you but built up some accountability and allow someone the freedom to speak into your life in this area.

I’m excited. Let’s slay some hopeless lies together, mighty warrior. There’s a battle going on, and there’s no time to waste.

Published by Emily A

Adventures of a wife, mom of boys and daughter of the King. My journey is usually challenging, sometimes exciting, occasionally boring and always held in the hands of a wonderful God who is in a good mood and delights in me.

One thought on “Violent

  1. How amazing is the Lord God that I should just accidentally, LOL. find your page and 2 Cor 3:18. Our whole church congregation just started a formation designed to, post covid, recalibrate out compasses. We are all on a journey, but our course has become chaotic. Our formation began two nights ago and one of the verses to help us move forward with more unity was John 3:2-3. “We will see him as he is” links nicely “with unveiled face”. It caught me immediately and I prayed to God to make this journey my church is embarked upon the greatest journey of my life. With fierce hope our destination is God. Thanks for boosting my Fierce!


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